The six principles of Pilates



The Pilates Principles are general rules governing the execution of all exercises of the method.  There are six principles that anyone should keep in mind when they do pilates and those six principles are : Concentration, control, centering, flow, precision and breathing. Once  you’ve learned that, you’re ready to do Pilates the right way.

1) Concentration : you have to pay attention on the way you are doing the exercises. FOCUS is the key word because Pilates requires intense concentration along the entire class. It is the only way to get from the exercises maximum benefit. In Pilates the way that exercises are done is most of the time more important than the exercises themselves. So remember : focus.

2) Control : originally Joseph Pilates, the inventor of the Pilates method, called “Contrology” to highlight the importance of the correct and controlled execution of each movement. You have to be in control of every aspect in every moment, that way you’ll control your body instead of being at it’s mercy.

3) Centering : The center is the middle of the body and the place where its strength lies. The motion originates in the center and then it’s transmitted to the limbs. It’s certainly the focal point of the Pilates method. 

4) Flow : The movements must be performed in a natural and easy way, smoothly. Flow must be created through the use of appropriate transitions. The Pilates method is the flowing movement outward from a really strong core.

5) Precision : Each exercise should be executed in the most perfect way to achieve the goal it has set. You have to focus on doing one precise and perfect movement, rather than many approximative ones, that way you will work effectively.

6) Breathing :  Breathing is extremely important in Pilates. To all Pilates exercises  a breathing pattern is assigned. Breathing correctly improves gas exchange and facilitates the execution of the exercises. In Pilates exercises, the practitioner usually breathes out with the effort and in on the return. It’s fundamental to learn how to breath correctly.


5 thoughts on “The six principles of Pilates

  1. Vale creo que los tengo todos, ¿¿¿para cuando empezamos ??? Ok ok, quizas esté exagerando un poco.

    Everybody !!!!! Come to Hondarribia to do pilates with the best instructor: Emilie filgueira ! (vale ok ingles quizas no sea la lengua que mejor sepa, así perdoname si lo hablo (en este caso escribo) mal 😥 snif snif).

  2. Pingback: The six principles of Pilates | Take It Personally PT

  3. Pingback: Why Try Dynamic? | meet me at the barre

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